This Satellite Meeting will be held at the Institute of Mathematics, Statistics and Scientific Computation (IMECC) of the University of Campinas and is linked to the 60th World Statistics Congress ...
ISBIS and the ASA Section on Statistical Learning and Data Mining (SLDM) jointly sponsored a conference on Data Mining in Business and Industry. The conference ...
Following the long tradition of PLS’99 in Jouy-en-Josas (France), PLS’01 in Anacapri (Italy), PLS’03 in Lisbon (Portugal), PLS’05 in Barcelona (Spain), PLS’07 in Ås (Norway), ...
International Statistical Institute Satellite Meeting August 23/24, 2013 on Statistics in Business, Industry and Risk Management Hosted by the City University of Hong Kong People who would like ...
ISBIS is participating in the Joint Meeting of 7th Conference of the Asian Regional Section of the International Association for Statistical Computing and 2011 Taipei ...
ISBIS (the International Society of Business and Industrial Statistics) holds a major international Symposium every two years, focusing on important statistical issues relating to quality and ...